It’s important to remember that you will only get out of therapy what youput into it. If you aren’t committed to being present, dedicated, andwilling to allow the shift you’re seeking, you will not see results. Be patientand trust the process. I’m here tosupport and validate you in your work. As I am committing my time to helping youachieve your therapeutic goals, it’s essential that you do the same. Dedicatinga set day and time each week to your growth and self-care will be a fundamentalpart of your success. You alreadypossess countless strengths that you may or may not have engaged yet. Let’swork together to discover what those are, help you to start using them, andnavigate through your struggles.
Tips for success in therapy

Deciding to pursue therapy is not an easy task; it takes courage and the willingness to be vulnerable. You’re acknowledging that something needs to change in your life and you’ve come to a point where you want to do something about it. Follow that instinct!
Beginning therapy does not mean that something is wrong with you; it simply means that you’re struggling with a major life problem from the past or present, and the emotional maturity that you already possess has recognized that it’s time to seek help and guidance. I’d encourage you to let go of any negative stigma regarding therapy,and focus on caring for yourself. What is ‘normal’ anyway?
It’s important to remember that you will only get out of therapy what you put into it. If you aren’t committed to being present, dedicated, and willing to allow the shift you’re seeking, you will not see results. Be patient and trust the process.
I’m here to support and validate you in your work. As I am committing my time to helping you achieve your therapeutic goals, it’s essential that you do the same. Dedicating a set day and time each week to your growth and self-care will be a fundamental part of your success.
You already possess countless strengths that you may or may not have engaged yet. Let’s work together to discover what those are, help you to start using them, and navigate through your struggles.
Here are some helpful links that explain further how to get the most out of your therapy work: